Staffing Specialist at iForce Services
iForce Services is my first major step into the "big girl world," as they say. It was the first opportunity I was given after graduating from college, and I knew immediately I had to take it. It is located back home in Columbus so it was yet another long, tedious move to make, but worth it. I had to say goodbye to my Cincinnati friends and hello to my parents and old friends! Even though I was moving back home, I was opening another door and advancement to my life.
This opportunity has taught me many new strengths that even a college class couldn't teach . I've learned patience and how to maintain a smile and positive attitude in even the most challenging moments. Working with the public isn't always sunshine, unicorns, and rainbows, it can be very demanding and stressful. You have to have a certain personality to be able to work with the public, and I've learned that I definitely have that knack.
Working for iForce has also been very rewarding. As a staffing specialist at iForce, I have the power to change the life around of one of my employees by providing them with a sturdy and reliable job. A large amount of applicants that come in to get jobs can be felons, have a challenging life, or are living pay check to pay check and looking for a change. I'm humbled to say that I've been able to alter peoples lives and have them go from working a temp job, to being hired on full time at a job they can make a career of.